Wednesday 10 June 2009

A hairy situation. [Luke]

Im starting to believe that, no matter how cute she may look, the above videod cat (jazz) is out to annoy I type she is sat getting her hair, her very noticable white hair all over my laptop keyboard and its not just my laptop thats been suffering, there is multitudes of the stuff over every corner of the house, espicially over the sofa. This has presented me with a problem in that I am afraid of sitting on any kind of surface on a morning because its a guarantee that I will be covered in a layer from head to toe of fine white hairs, I just don't know what to do about it because sitting there picking hairs of myself is both extremely time consuming and well, makes me look plain silly.
Any suggestions as to how to get rid of hair from clothes easily?


  1. Well my suggestion is to just not bother XD whats wrong with looking silly ANYWAY? ;P but, if it bothers you that much, you can get special brushes that gets cat/dog hair off clothes.

  2. We have one of those, it just doesn't work, espicially not with the levels of fur Im talking about here. Its worst when I go to the hospital for volunteering with my black trousers on, would you want someone who was covered in white cat hair making your cup of tea? :P
