Friday 12 June 2009

Minutes to Midnight

North Korea has recently tested a nuclear device, and has launched a couple of missiles.

We're currently getting closer to nuclear annihilation, and the clock is ticking.

What's everyones opinion on the Doomsday Clock?

Heres the wiki article

DJ Shadow also produced a fantastic song based on it. My interpretation of it represents 12:00 on the clock, but because its a perfect world, the leaders of the world have agreed not to launch.
Either that or the warheads are on their way, but everyone is perfectly calm.

Heres the video:


  1. Sometimes I think the doomsday clock is just fear mongering, don't we get told enough about how we are all doomed on a regular basis without there being a clock to signify how doomed we are? Then again its a nice reminder by the people in the know about these things that even if things seem happy and dandy, they arent.
    And with regards to N.Korea, do we really think that even someone as pants on head idiotic as Kim Jong-il is crazy enough to start launching nuclear attacks?

  2. I'd rather know the facts around me than be caught out when an event occurs. Knowledge is power etc.
    I think the doomsday clock should be an iconic image, its old but not that well known either. There's an analogue with the clock and the countdown - no other eschatological event can be quite depicted by it as they're all, on the whole, unpredictable.

    I think Kim is capable of launching something if provoked enough. He's getting older and more decrepid as time passes on. He's had film directors from south korea kidnapped before.
