Tuesday 9 June 2009

What happens after death? [Black hel]

Before i write this i want to point out I did not come up with this i found it on another forum so all credit goes to "Patrish".

Any theories? I'm personally open to anything, I don't deny what I don't know, but rather, accept it when its proven.


  1. Patrish...yes, your french alter ego patrick? :P

  2. haha funny, no someone from the forum "captaincynic.com"

  3. Not to sound morbid here, but I like death, or rather, the topic of it, it creates a lot of ideas to wonder about and ponder over. Though death itself isn't all that great, and I'm not too sure about what exactly happens after death, but it's definitely intriguing to think of what might happen (ok, definitely sounding morbid here).

    I once thought that when you die, everything you needed to know/wanted to know in your life, you find out when you die, so anyone hiding dark secrets from you, you can know them when you die, and figure out your own decisions from this stuff when you find them out etc.

    Also, I think you get to wander if you want, like ghosts/whatever, but then maybe can choose what to do then, as in choose to do anything at all, since it'd be like your fix on the world and reality wouldn't have a hold on you anymore, and you could do, quite literally, whatever your mind/being chose too - and who says you can't have conscious thought in death? Is it anything solid in life? I mean, nobody's proven entirely that your brain is your mind, just that it controls emotions and bodily reactions, maybe there's something else that creates thought. Anyways, death = a mystery, and fun to try and solve (if still bad in general) ^^
