Tuesday 9 June 2009

If there is a Mr Greggs, I love him ;) [Luke]

That picture right there is one of the new style greggs muffins (I say new, but theyve probably been out a while now, I don't pay much attention to these things) or atleast the remains of one, I just ate it, it was lovely, I espicially like the gooey centre they have now.
Anyway, Im not just posting to make your mouth water over my muffin, Im hear to ask your opinion on that good'ol highstreet favourite that is Greggs.
Now, gregs has for many years been my favourite fast food outlet, just how much I appreciated their fine wares, most notably their sausage rolls, was only realised today when I bought some sausage rolls at school, having just had a gregs the other day and I was left feeling mightily dissapointed that my 50p treat just didn't match up.
So, what do you guys think of Greggs?, If it isn't your favourite quick bite to eat (which it definately should be, hmph) what is?


  1. Ahh good ol' greggs... i loved there chrismas specials...it was basically a cooked dinner put into a pastie...perfect for the cold days of winter here in wales where it rains constantly...even in the summer...

    By far Greggs is my favourite place of consumables, I mean, how CAN'T it be?;)

  2. Luke, that photo is terrible. it looks like someone shat on some paper.

    Greggs is a no-go. it's where every schoolkid had their first job. there or M&S... which funnily enough do incredible muffins too.

  3. ah, so even though the muffin looks like shit...you admit that it is incredible?

  4. ouch, sharp.

    i wouldn't know. but i took your word that shit muffin is good muffin.
