Saturday 13 June 2009

Sheds and other assorted nick nacks [Luke]

Before you watch this I think you should know that I was so amused by the many mundane things I found in my shed because I was looking for reasons that made the experience of cleaning it out any good. (sorry the audio is out of synch, i tried uploading several times, it wont rectify itself :/ )

This picture doesn't really do justice to the amount of crap in the shed, this was taken about halfway through during one of the many tea breaks.

Some of my favourite finds of the day:

I wonder if any of those rations are still edible...surely vacuum acked food goods don't degrade in a mere two decades?
Anyway, I challenge you guys to raid your assorted sheds and/or hidey holes and see if you can dig up any unknown treasures better than my mighty horde:D.

Oh and I hope the fact that I almost clawed my own eyes out because I accidently deleted all the pictures in this post twice and had to upload them again twice will make it all that bit more appreciated.

Friday 12 June 2009

The, I was so bored that I made a video about it post. [Luke]

I decided to go with a change of format today...tell me what you guys prefer, normal text based blog posts or vlogging?
Sorry for the slightly fuzzy audio quality...I will buy a new mic someday. And I also hope that me swinging it around like im Darth Maul didn't break whatever it is :S

Banksy does it again..

Banksy, the famous yet anonymous graffiti artist has created his biggest exhibition yet.
A 3 month free exhibition at the Bristol Museum, which was created in absolute secrecy, I just think its best you check this one out for yourself.

If youve never seen any of his previous work, here is a good place to start:

Minutes to Midnight

North Korea has recently tested a nuclear device, and has launched a couple of missiles.

We're currently getting closer to nuclear annihilation, and the clock is ticking.

What's everyones opinion on the Doomsday Clock?

Heres the wiki article

DJ Shadow also produced a fantastic song based on it. My interpretation of it represents 12:00 on the clock, but because its a perfect world, the leaders of the world have agreed not to launch.
Either that or the warheads are on their way, but everyone is perfectly calm.

Heres the video:

Thursday 11 June 2009

helpfulness [Black hel]

Just wanted to post this and say, I'll listen to any problems anyone has, from depression to relationship problems and help where i can.

I only post this because luke wants people to post everything they think at every moment in time :P

but anyway I will listen and help at any point if im online. G'night everybody! (hey! im doctor Nick XD)

Huzzah! [Luke]

Had my last exam of the season today, the feeling is Immense and now I don't have revision or anything for that matter to do for the next 3 days before I start next years work I feel sort of lost.

It seems like a good idea to catch up on some lost social life which I plan to do tommorow, right now Im extremely tired and my tea is slowly getting colder...and having little effect on how tired I feel.

Im getting some amusement however from pressing the random article button on Wikipedia, give it a go and tell me what comes up for you first.
The picture is related, being the picture which represents the article on the Swimming at the 2007 Pan American Games, the article which just came up for me...its enthralling ;)

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Back to the future.. [Luke]

No, im not here to discuss a certain Michael J Fox film, I am however, extremely excited to tell you that, they are finally resurrecting Futurama!
All weve had for the last seven years is oodles of repeats and those handful of feature length escapades, but now the show is returning with 26 new episodes being planned for (US) release in 2010, can I get some yelps of anticipation please? :D

A hairy situation. [Luke]

Im starting to believe that, no matter how cute she may look, the above videod cat (jazz) is out to annoy I type she is sat getting her hair, her very noticable white hair all over my laptop keyboard and its not just my laptop thats been suffering, there is multitudes of the stuff over every corner of the house, espicially over the sofa. This has presented me with a problem in that I am afraid of sitting on any kind of surface on a morning because its a guarantee that I will be covered in a layer from head to toe of fine white hairs, I just don't know what to do about it because sitting there picking hairs of myself is both extremely time consuming and well, makes me look plain silly.
Any suggestions as to how to get rid of hair from clothes easily?

Tuesday 9 June 2009

What happens after death? [Black hel]

Before i write this i want to point out I did not come up with this i found it on another forum so all credit goes to "Patrish".

Any theories? I'm personally open to anything, I don't deny what I don't know, but rather, accept it when its proven.

If there is a Mr Greggs, I love him ;) [Luke]

That picture right there is one of the new style greggs muffins (I say new, but theyve probably been out a while now, I don't pay much attention to these things) or atleast the remains of one, I just ate it, it was lovely, I espicially like the gooey centre they have now.
Anyway, Im not just posting to make your mouth water over my muffin, Im hear to ask your opinion on that good'ol highstreet favourite that is Greggs.
Now, gregs has for many years been my favourite fast food outlet, just how much I appreciated their fine wares, most notably their sausage rolls, was only realised today when I bought some sausage rolls at school, having just had a gregs the other day and I was left feeling mightily dissapointed that my 50p treat just didn't match up.
So, what do you guys think of Greggs?, If it isn't your favourite quick bite to eat (which it definately should be, hmph) what is?

Wonderisation [The team]

Now, I wondered what everyone thought of the idea of this blog, ofcourse it will be hard to keep up with posts with only a few of us, but I think we can do it if we keep at it, one person posts per day maybe? Think we could keep this up?
Id love it if anyone else would be willing to take part in the blogging, espicially any of you who enjoy doing this kind of thing, or have done it before.
Even if you don't want to do the posting yourself, you could still help by aiding in coming up with ideas and such, or by taking part in our dicussions and challenges, which will hope will become a regular and popular thing :D.
Then again just by being here and reading this you are helping.
If youve got any questions about the blog, any ideas or suggestions for what we could do with it or want to take part, please give us a message.

The Government, good or bad? [Black hel]

Well the title really speaks for itsself but just in case I'll elaborate, basically I'm interested to see what you people think about the Government, are they here to help or just see how much money they can get? Would Anarchy mean chaos? or anything else you want to disscuss or rant about :P

Monday 8 June 2009

Philosophy on life: religion [Black hel]

Yeah it had to be done :P i just want to know what religion everyone is or what you think the best way to tackle religion is or anything else you can thing of basically.

I (being athiest) don't really know much about religion basides the basic stuff. And i find it very interesting to see what everyone else thinks is "the right path" as such.

E3 2009 [Luke]

Yes, im one of those sorts of people who gets immensely excited about the goings on at the annual E3 show, now for me to try and summarise everything about the show for you guys would be a momentous task, so I thought id just focus on the biggest item this year and that is..yes you guessed it, Microsoft and Sonys bids for a bit of Nintendos gorgeous motion control pie.
Microsoft were first, with the first proper look at their extremely pretty looking Project Natal, a motion sensing device which they hope will muscle the Wii out of the casual gaming topspot.
It combines an RGB camera, microphone, a whole host of sensors and a little Microsoft magic to create a mighty impressive looking piece of tech, which boasts voice and face recognition, complete 3D body scanning.
Me describing this to you will definately not be as useful as seeing it for yourself, so for your appreciation here is the E3 tech demo of it in action.

Show some love for the getup that guy near the beggining is wearing btw!

Next up was Sony, who came in with their as yet properly named Playstation Motion, it works in conjunction with the Playstation eye and in simple terms is basically the Wii, but more precise. Using your unimaginatively named 'wands' you can have what the Wii offers, but with millimetre precision, no random waggling required.
It seems Sony have tried to focus on both casual and serious gaming and are trying to make their device as comprehensive as possible on the gaming family tree, where as Natal may have limitations when travelling outside of party games genre and mere novelty. Take a look:

As impressive as Natal does look, its much further from actually being released than Sonys offering (early 2010) and will likely be much more expensive, alot of what Microsoft showed at E3 had already been done by the good folks over at sony with many year old eyetoy tech and the stuff which was new was completely scripted, note the inclusion in the trailer of 'vision'.
What do you guys think?, should Sony and Microsoft leave motion controls with Nintendo? who have already made enough money to buy the moon several times with the Wii.
And was there anything else you liked the look of at this years E3, motion controlling aside?

Start with a bang, start with an omegle. [Luke]

Well, one of us had to start actually posting eventually, so I thought I might aswell, this will be the first in my semi-regular string of posts about the place we all love and admire so much, the internet.
Im going to bring you some of the more interesting things ive found on the internet recently, I hope to make this a weekly thing, however due to examyness I may not be able to.

When the internet first came about it was a completely innocent environment, the domain of the extremely tech savvy and geekier of those among society, a new and interesting place where encounters with friendly strangers were a given, nowadays however it's a scary and lawless place, dominated by the fear of the unknown.
If you are like me then you might want to rekindle some of your love for talking to complete strangers in a completely anonymous fashion and this is where my favourite find of the last week comes in .
Omegle is a service which puts you into a conversation with some random person also using the service anywhere in the world, its completely anonymous and doesn't require subscription of any kind.

Now omegles creators describe it as a brand-new service for meeting new friends. but lets be honest, this is really just a place to go and have some fun, usually at the expense of complete strangers, its definately worth giving it a go just for the thrill of knowing that someone, somewhere, who may or may not be trying to steal your life via the internet (hey, remember when I said it was a scary place :P) has just become either severely confused and annoyed because of you. Or if you don't fancy winding strangers up there is, as omegle claims, always the chance of meeting new friends :).

I challenge any of you guys to go on omegle and try and spark the most amusing response you can in a stranger, take a screen shot of it and send it to me, lets see who can be the most annoying ;).

Seen as this was my first post, I hope you can understand there only being one feature, I promise more on content next time.


This is a nice little test to test whether we can post easily on this testy test! :D